Sunday, March 22, 2009

Superman anyone?

Ever wondered how superman came around?

Probally your thinking from the another planet like every superman movie tells us.

Guess wat.

They lied.

Superman is from earth.

And i got good news for kids!
(and adults hu wan to bcome superman)



YOU! can become superman!

The trick to becoming superman lies in a very simple formula formulated by someone who isnt being credited enough.

SO kids, what are you waiting for.!

>< >< >< >< <>

Check out tis ad!!.

PS. SOrry girls, i tink its onli for guys.

After using tis gel, you will be as "Keras" as superman, able to deflect bullets.

You will be able to fight off enemies as Kasar as u can,

And u can shoot laser beams which are Panjang.

(phone number not to be revealed in order to preserve the number of supermans.)


chuchu said...

change ur dp la
sleepy pulak

S u n n Y B o i said...

yor, i lazy la. my pic all not nice also ><

cuan said...

have u try it yet???? post the real effect on you after u try it... lol... show it to ur louis lane also...zzzz